Urbanisation x Sharing Economy

I find Megatrends to be a valuable guide for exploring disruption or opportunity for organisations. And while there are a lot of megatrend lists out there, one topic that is almost universally agreed is “Rapid Urbanisation”. IKEAs Space 10 Future Lab explores the future of Shared Living as a solution to many of the potential […]

Read More Urbanisation x Sharing Economy

Digitising the Human Body

I’ve just read Digital Trends review of the first 3D Body Scanner designed for everyday use at home. Naked Labs‘ scanner, which launched in August, is significant as 3D Body Scanner technologies have the potential transform the health and fashion industries. 3D Body Scanners have the potential to transformation the health industry by offering a […]

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Architectural Innovation: Why Big Companies Fail to Successfully Innovate

I really enjoyed reading this FT article Why big companies squander good ideas.  It encapsulates the most difficult challenge I face when leading innovative change in large companies. The article summarizes the key points of a 1990 academic paper which describes the concept of Architectural Innovations and how they cause large companies to fail. An Architectural Innovation is one […]

Read More Architectural Innovation: Why Big Companies Fail to Successfully Innovate

Corporate Innovation Strategies

I was recently asked by a client to help them with their business innovation strategy. Business Innovation spaces and programmes are now common place in progressive corporates. I’d estimate about 30% of large corporates now have one. Depending on industry this number can reach close to 100% (e.g. Finance, Insurance, Pharma, Retail).   After reviewing […]

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